Show in-line currency conversion
Jen from Lunch Money
Wherever there is a transaction not in your primary currency, show the currency conversion underneath (similar to Accounts view)
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For me personally, I need to see it in the table view. Opening each transaction is too inconvenient.
Jen from Lunch Money
Thanks for voting on this feature request! Amounts converted from a different currency now display the exchange rate used (including accounts and transactions).
I miss this especially when trying to compare transactions in multiple currencies.
Jen from Lunch Money
under review
Jen from Lunch Money
Merged in a post:
Amount in foreign and accounting currency
Ignacio Lopez
Every transaction from an account, that does not have the same currency as the default currency, displays only the amount in that foreign currency. It would be nice to show a second column with the converted amount and also show the fx rate in the details of the transaction.
Jennifer Lawrence
I agree. It would be helpful to know the equivalent spent in home currency.