Reconcile Transactions
under review
Sometimes some of my transactions from my bank are not imported properly, for whatever reason. This puts the balance out of whack.
I need to be able to reconcile this balance instead of haphazardly updating it -- need to figure out which transactions were imported and which were not. This is a very tedious process right now :(
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Jen from Lunch Money FYI, in case you are soon starting working on this feature, as it is marked "under review".
Suggestion for a workflow I enjoyed from YNAB:
You can choose to reconcile an account. You enter the current account balance. If it matches what Lunch Money calculated, then all transactions are marked as reconciled.
The reconciliation marker could be implemented as a third status option. So on import, a transaction would be unreviewed, then I mark it as reviewed, then it is reconciled. In the transaction list, you could keep the unreviewed-reviewed toggle, since you would only expect the reconciled status to be set through the reconciliation process, not manually.
If the entered balance does not match, I see a list of all unreconciled transactions. The assumption is that previously reconciled transactions should be correct, so I only need to look at those that have not yet been reconciled.
I see the difference between what Lunch Money calculated and what I entered, which helps me spot potential duplicates. If I can't find anything wrong, I have the option to fix the balance (in YNAB by adding a reconciliation transaction, but in Lunch Money it could also be adjusting the account balance). Then all transactions from this account are marked as reconciled.
It is also important to me to see the date of the last reconciliation for the account so that I can export the correct time range from my bank to prevent unnecessary duplicates.
Jen from Lunch Money
Merged in a post:
Transaction based reconciliations
Would be great to have a support for a reconciliation workflow (Nominate new account balance -> write a reconciliation transaction)
The current balance editing process is "lossy", in that it doesn't leave a reconciliation record, it would be great to have it in the history for the event =)
Jen from Lunch Money
under review
Jen from Lunch Money
Merged in a post:
Accounts need a starting balance
Matthew Davis
When I view all transactions for an account, the total should equal the balance. To accomplish this, there needs to be a non-transaction starting balance.
Jen from Lunch Money
Merged in a post:
Account Reconciliation
Janette M Watson
There appears to be no way to verify the Linked Account balance (Bank & Credit Card) are reconciled to the current balance. There could be duplicate or incomplete transaction history.