Show amount of unallocated income
in progress
Past User 18366
On the Finances > Budget view, it would be so helpful if my income and my allocations were totalled up so I saw how much I could increase or decrease budgets so they're almost equal to income. Pictured is a screenshot of Mint. This lets me know that I have $629 unallocated that I could put towards a goal. Having to sum it manually in LunchMoney is very tiresome.
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Din from Lunch Money
The new budgeting feature completed alpha testing and is now available in the Beta Testing Program, open to both trialing and subscribed users! 🎊
The new Budget page includes improved support and logic for carryover and allocation pools, custom budget periods, zero-based budgeting, and more!
If you have any feedback to share with us, feel free to reach out in the beta testing channel on Discord, or open an in-app feedback ticket via the 'HELP' menu. 🙂
Din from Lunch Money
The new budgeting feature completed alpha testing and is now available in the Beta Testing Program, open to both trialing and subscribed users! 🎊
The new Budget page includes improved support and logic for carryover and allocation pools, custom budget periods, zero-based budgeting, and more!
If you have any feedback to share with us, feel free to reach out in the beta testing channel on Discord, or open an in-app feedback ticket via the 'HELP' menu. 🙂
Jen from Lunch Money
in progress
The new budgeting feature within Lunch Money, which has richer support for allocation pools and carryover, has officially entered alpha testing! Stay tuned for more updates!
Need this ASAP. Such a nice feature.
Matt Audette
I rely heavily on rollover amounts. I wish my fixed rollover ammounts would show so I can see where I can save up for an upcoming expense or catch up when I have an unexpected expense.
I had a big unexpected repair that I'll need to catch up on over the next 6 months and it's super confusing having the negative amount (fixed with rollover) say I've only budgeted a total of $2k when I have $8k in expenses this month.
Attila Komaromi
This is already possible, isn't it? In LunchMoney, on the budget screen, on the right you have your monthly overview and it shows your "Net Budgeted" amount—which is your budgeted income - budgeted expenses, what you have left is essentially your unallocated amount.
yes, this is important! This feature would be very valuable.
Andrew Pohran
+100% this is perhaps the single most important part of creating a budget, i.e. setting estimated/projected income and allocating that income against expenses & savings goals (and ensuring your budgeted expenses don't exceed your budgeted income). Current functionality you'd need to add up the totals for every category and manually compare 😕