Set a recurring budget
in progress
Jen from Lunch Money
Allow an option to auto-set the budget indefinitely to a specific value. Ability to apply a set budget for multiple months at once.
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Akshaya Srivatsa
ok initial feedback: The new feature is extremely overwhelming. Budgeting went from being simple to now "one click", "roll over to general", "Fill available upto certain amount". I dont understand half the terminologies and I think I overwrote my Jan budget with Dec and I need to redo Jan budget again. There are so many other things I dont like. This is overly complicated and I think this should not ship as is.
Jen from Lunch Money
Akshaya Srivatsa Hi Akshaya, thanks for the feedback! It might be because the onboarding default options do not correspond to what's supported in production now. Hopefully you've had a chance to read the Feature Guide, or play around with the new feature. Feel free to email me if you have any further feedback.
Akshaya Srivatsa
Jen from Lunch Money I sent some feedback over the help feature on LM
Din from Lunch Money
The new budgeting feature completed alpha testing and is now available in the Beta Testing Program, open to both trialing and subscribed users! 🎊
The new Budget page includes support for auto-budgeting, one-click budgeting, custom budget periods, zero-based budgeting, improved support and logic for carryover and allocation pools, and more!
If you have any feedback to share with us, feel free to reach out in the beta testing channel on Discord, or open an in-app feedback ticket via the 'HELP' menu. 🙂
Din from Lunch Money
Can you expand on how this request is now supported? I'm looking in the beta and I do not see anywhere to set a budget that auto-applies to multiple months/periods at the same time. I still have to go to each individual budget period and then manually either choose the one click budget or to copy a previous month's.
Din from Lunch Money
Hey Shane! 👋
Automatically populating the budget for future periods can get tricky when it comes to more dynamic recurring budget settings, such as "average 3 months", "last budgeted" or "last spend".
To improve the recurring budgets experience, we've now added a "Don't ask me again" button in the confirmation dialog for one-click budgeting (see attached). Once ticked and confirmed, you will no longer see the confirmation dialog moving forward and can auto-populate your budgets in exactly one click (see second attachment).
Additionally, you will notice categories with one-click budgeting enabled now have the option to individually set the budget more easily by clicking on the gray checkmark in the table (for any periods you may not want to use the bulk one-click budgeting option).
Hope this helps, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions and/or feedback! 🙂
Din from Lunch Money
Thanks Din
I appreciate that this can be tricky to implement. After asking about it I started to consider how it would actually work given different recurring items each month. With that said, i would take the position that those difficulties mean that while you have made some improvements to make budgeting faster and easier, this request is not in beta yet.
While solutioning in my head I had this idea that there could be separate "budget prefills" from the recurring items and then an automated budget would add the two together for each category to automate each month's budget. The user could then modify/customize from there.
In today's version maybe I budget $500 most months for Auto
But this breaks down to $100 for gas and a $400 car payment which is a recurring item
So I make a budget prefill of 100 and then the auto budget adds them together for a $500 budget. Additionally twice a year it adds another $300 for the months my auto insurance is due since that is a recurring item too.
This may or may have holes in it that I haven't thought of (and maybe some people would find it too complicated) but its kind of what I was thinking. If the intention is to close this item out as "implemented" I can always add it as a new idea.
Toby Koch
Yes for the love of God. I am going to stop using this app if this doesn't happen soon. Your rollover budget system at the moment is unusable in my opinion.
Jen from Lunch Money
in progress
The new budgeting feature within Lunch Money, which provides richer support for auto-budgeting, has officially entered alpha testing! Stay tuned for more updates!
Martijn van der Meij
Would be nice if the would work on a per category base. E.g. mortgage is probably always the same, while eating out probably varies
If you're working on this, could you add a feature that allows us to create rules to the recurring budget? The same rules as when creating a recurring item. So for example a monthly budget rule, a quarterly and a yearly one. For example: I pay for a cloud-service once a year. This is a 100+ euro sum that I need to budget for in a specific month. And there is a municipality payment that is quarterly.
It may make more sense to do this based on the new feature that provides budget suggestions for each category.