Zero-based budgeting is not necessarily the same as envelope budgeting.
Envelope budgeting is cash-based budgeting, meaning you budget based off of actual money/cash, not income (don't spend until you have it).
The current budgeting implementation only allowes one to budget "current income" but there is no way to budget current account balance or savings.
For example, if one starts using Lunch Money with 50k in savings and a monthly income of 5k (paid end of month), then by end of January (for example) one can "budget" the 5k, which is cool, but what about the 50k in savings one has? This money was already budgeted / saved for particular purposes (e.g vacations, private school, house deposit, etc) and it's a shame that LM does not allow me to budget ALL the money I have in my accounts but only current income.