On the Trends page, the "Net Worth and Savings Rate" graph includes the current month. If income is only expected later in the month, but there was some small amount of credit earlier in the month (eg. Interest), the Savings Rate will have an extreme negative value and affect the usability of the Savings Rate line.
Example: Let's say today is the 14th of the month and the expenses so far were $4000. The salary is only expected on the 15th, but Income is not zero, because there was interest of $2.5 credited to the account on the 1st. This means that the Savings Rate for the month is currently -159900.00%. This makes viewing previous month's Savings Rate in the graph impossible, as they are all much closer to 0.00% and will just look like a flat line.
Possible solutions:
  • Add on/off toggle to display or hide current month's savings rate
  • Add on/off toggle to include recurring items for current month's Savings Rate calculation