Compare different time frames on the Stats and Analyze page
Would be nice to be able to compare previous time frames as an option on the stats and analyze page. This was a feature Mint had.
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Din from Lunch Money
Merged in a post:
Easier queries
Gregory Galvan
I am a big picture guy. I want to see what I spent the last 12 months vs. the 12 months prior to that. I have 4 years plus data in there, and I want to see how my spending has changed year to year. Or I could do by the year, as I see other people are asking.
Jen from Lunch Money
Merged in a post:
Compare Annual (or custom) percentage changes
Patrick Catarinacci
Currently, it is possible to only see on the Month-to-Month Percentage increases/decreases. Is it possible to have a tool that allows you to customize the reference dates? For example, I would like to get the percentage change from December 2023 to November 2023 (1 year) and see how much the percentages change in the "Net Worth" tab.
I believe you can do this already, no? Using the Query Tool (under Analyze). You would setup whatever filters, dataset, etc. then by year, save the configuration for future use.
Admittedly, it takes some work to setup but once it's's there. (I'm no expert though)