POST/create for crypto account
Michael Bianco
I have crypto held in multiple places, some of which are not supported by the automatic sync.
It's aggregated by the index purchasing bot I built ( and I'd like to use that bot as my master record of crypto held. Ideally, I could write a script to sync holding amounts from that bot, but I'd need a
to dynamically create new accounts when new currencies are purchased.Log In
+1. Went to sync my accounts using the APIs only to realize there is no
support yet. I imagine the request body would look very much like the create asset request body (which works right now with currency=eth
etc, but does not then track / convert to USD like the UI-created crypto assets do).L
Luiz Estácio
I create some API's integrating with the exchanges I have, and would be much better to be able to automatically create the assets when it is not found on the lunch. Today I had to create it manually first.