Canny Updates in wrong language
I have set my browser's language to English, but live in Germany. When in the app I view the latest updates, they show up in German. I assume this is automatically translated and I prefer the English version, especially since the rest of the interface is English.
There are only two pieces of information that point to German: My IP address and I have set the currency locale to German. I assume that Canny is using my IP address to deduce the language.
Maybe there is a way to tell Canny the desired language?
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Din from Lunch Money
The 'Latest Updates' widget in Lunch Money is now correctly translating content based on a user's preferred language setting in the Feedback Board! 🎉
Din from Lunch Money
Hey Jojo! 👋
Canny automatically translates the pages now, yet you should be able to set your preferred language, or disable translations altogether! To do so, click on the letter icon at the top right corner of the page, then select "Settings". You should then see the 'Content translations' preferences.
Please let me know if that resolves it! 😊
Din from Lunch Money Thanks for the tip!
Unfortunately, changing the settings on the Canny page has no effect on the popout in Lunch Money. I set Canny to translate to different languages and that worked here, but the popout was still showing conten translated to German.
This is definitely a minor issue, though, so no worries if the effort to fix it is currently too high compared to the benefitss 😉
Din from Lunch Money
Jojo: Heya! Can you please clarify which pop-up in Lunch Money you are referring to? If you can share a screenshot, that would be helpful!
Din from Lunch Money Is it clear from the screenshot in the top comment?
Din from Lunch Money
Hey Jojo! Happy to let you know that this is now fixed and the 'Latest Updates' widget in Lunch Money should now be correctly translating content as per your preferred language setting in Canny! 😊🎉