Track real estate value through Zillow
Matt Harvey
A really nice feature that a few other net worth-type apps have (First Capital, Mint, etc.), is the ability to enter a Zillow URL for a real estate holding, and then it updates the asset value on some cadence (daily I think).
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Jen from Lunch Money
Merged in a post:
Include property in net worth
Peter Robinett
For instance, listing a mortgage but not the associated property will make net worth totals very negative.
You can add the value of your mortgaged property as a manually-managed Asset. Set up > Accounts > Add Account > Create manually-managed Asset > select Real Estate. It will appear in Net Worth.
Peter Robinett
DK Thanks, that's a good idea. Mint would pull from Zillow to get estimates for homes. Maybe from Kelly Blue Book for vehicles too?
Michael Bianco
Would be awesome to have this built in. I built a little tool to do this for me in the meantime
Andrew Di Santo
Michael Bianco Thanks for building this! To me, looks complicated to install. How can I install it? Would I need Docker?